Regulations of participation in the Meet Magento Poland Conference
Updated 28.02.2025

Article 1 General Principles

  1. The organizer of the Conference is Meet Commerce sp. z o. o. with its seat in Poznań (61-854), 11 Mostowa St., registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000824946, having NIP: 7831812023 and share capital in the amount of: PLN 50,000.00, which can be contacted at e-mail address: pl@meetcommerce.com .
  2. Technical and partner services of the Conference are provided by Snowdog Sp. z o.o., based in Poznan (61-854), 11 Mostowa St., registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznan - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznan, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000480529, having NIP: 7831703995 and share capital of: PLN 50,000.00,
  3. The rules of the Conference and participation in it are set forth in these regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations"), which are available on the Conference website at: meetcommerce.pl (hereinafter referred to as "Website"). If the terms of participation in the Conference are also specified in other documents (for example: application form), the Rules and Regulations will supplement these documents and will apply to the extent not regulated by them.
  4. The conference will be held on September 30 and October 1, 2024 stationary in Poznan, according to the agenda available on the Website.
  5. The purpose of the Meet Magento Poland Conference is to promote positive opportunities for the development of online commerce, to support the solution of specific problems and the acquisition of new skills, and to make business contacts.
  6. Use of the Website requires an information and communication system that meets at least the following technical requirements:
    1. Internet access,
    2. A properly configured web browser,
    3. having access to a configured e-mail, the address of which was provided when applying for participation in the Conference.
  7. Information about the Conference, together with the amount of the fee, presented on the Website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 § 1 of the Civil Code. Information about the Conference together with the amount of the fee are only an invitation to conclude an agreement within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.
  8. The conference is closed to the public and does not constitute a mass event within the meaning of the Law on Security of Mass Events of March 23, 2009.
  9. The conference is conducted in English and Polish. However, this does not preclude Speakers from giving presentations in a language other than English.

Article 2 Conditions for participation as a Participant

  1. A participant in the Conference (hereinafter referred to as "Participant") may be any natural person who is at least 18 years of age and has full legal capacity, legal persons and organizational units without legal personality, but able to acquire rights and incur obligations on their own behalf.
  2. Participation in the Conference as a Participant is conditional on making a payment by September 29, 2024:
    1. Application for participation via the application form available on the Conference Website under the "Buy a ticket" tab,
    2. acceptance of the Regulations,
    3. Selecting the appropriate type of ticket according to the activity represented,
    4. to pay the fee in the amount specified by the Organizer, in accordance with Article 4 of the Regulations,
    5. receipt of registration confirmation.
  3. In order to make an application, it is required to provide the required data in the application form: name, surname, address, company e-mail address and the company and position held in it. A Participant wishing to receive a VAT invoice, additionally provides: company address and Tax Identification Number. The Organizer may make the Participant's participation in the Conference in a stationary form subject to additional verification.
  4. The Organizer allows the possibility of contacting persons willing to participate in the Conference as a Participant in case of any questions about the submitted application and in order to provide information about participation in the Conference as a Participant.
  5. After meeting the conditions of participation, the Participant will receive from the Organizer, to the e-mail address provided during the application, confirmation of participation, with the proviso that the number of places is limited, participation in the Conference is determined by the order of applications.
  6. The organizer assumes a limit of a maximum of 3 tickets per company, the limit does not apply to preferential tickets for representatives of companies engaged in online sales through their own online stores.
  7. In case of rejection of the application with its early payment, the Organizer will refund the full amount paid within 7 days of the decision. The refund is made by method or to the account used during payment.
  8. Upon receipt of confirmation of participation from the Organizer (assuming receipt of payment by the Organizer), an agreement is concluded with the Participant for the provision of services concerning participation in the Conference as a Participant. The conclusion of the agreement entitles the Participant to participate in the Conference (in accordance with its agenda), including - in the case of stationary participation - the use of drinks, snacks, lunch on both days and participation in the evening integration meeting after the Conference.
  9. The Organizer has the right not to allow the Participant to participate in the Conference in case the conditions for participation in the Conference have not been met or the number of scheduled places has been exhausted.
  10. The Conference will be photographed and filmed for broadcasting in the mass media (television, radio, Internet, press) or for documentation, promotion, advertising of the Organizer or the Principal. Participation in the Conference as a Participant is associated with the right of the Principal or the Organizer to disseminate the image of the Participants constituting the detail of the whole - the Conference.
  11. The participant is obliged to comply with the binding provisions of the Regulations.

Article 3 Conditions for participation as a Speaker

  1. The speakers of the Conference (hereinafter referred to as "Speaker") may be natural persons who are at least 18 years old and have full legal capacity, willing to share their experience in working with the software of online and stationary stores, including in particular: representatives of entities running online stores, architects of e-commerce solutions, project managers, product managers, representatives of entities cooperating and providing services to entities running online stores.
  2. In order to apply for participation in the Conference as a speaker, it is necessary to send an application to the email address hello@meetcommerce.pl by March 1, 2023 and to accept the Regulations.
  3. In order to make an application, it is required to provide the required data in the application form: name, surname, company, e-mail address, presentation topic, conference experience, experience with ecommerce. The topic of the presentation should be related to an issue related to ecommerce or supporting technologies and processes. The organizer may make the speaker's participation in the Conference subject to additional verification.
  4. The organizer allows contacting those willing to participate in the Conference as a speaker in case of any questions about the submitted application and to provide information about participation in the Conference as a speaker.
  5. The selection of Speakers will be decided by the Organizer, based on the substantive evaluation of the completed application forms. The Organizer will contact the selected Speakers at the e-mail address provided during the application within two weeks and indicate the date and time scheduled for the presentation submitted by the Speaker.
  6. Anyone who receives information via e-mail, confirming participation in the Conference as a Speaker, is obliged within 7 (seven) days of its transmission by the Organizer:
    1. Confirm your participation via email;
    2. submit a 600x600 photo of yourself and a biographical note (maximum 500 characters)
    3. Agree to post your name, company name, photo and biographical note on the Conference Website and social media (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr), by completing Appendix 1 to the Regulations and sending it by email to the Organizer's email address;
    4. declare that in connection with the presentation will not violate any rights of third parties, in particular copyright;
    5. agree to the recording, use and dissemination by the Principal, the Organizer and the Co-Organizer of the image of the Speaker (including voice and speech) recorded during the Conference, by completing Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations and sending it by e-mail to the Organizer's e-mail address.
  7. If a speaker fails to fulfill the obligations indicated in the paragraph above, he/she loses the right to participate in the Conference and his/her place is taken by the next person on the reserve list.
  8. Once the Speaker has fulfilled all of his/her obligations in accordance with this article, a contract is concluded with the Speaker for the provision of services for participation in the Conference as a Speaker (including presentation). Speakers are entitled to attend the Conference (including the use of beverages, snacks and lunch on both days of the Conference) and participate in the evening networking event on the second day of the Conference). Speakers are not required to register in the manner provided for Participants. Participation in the Conference as a Speaker is free of charge, and Speakers will also not receive compensation for their participation in the Conference.
  9. The Principal and the Organizer shall not be liable in the event of any claims directed by third parties (especially regarding copyright), in the event that such claims relate to the presentation made by the Speaker. In the event that such claims are directed by third parties directly against the Principal or the Organizer for the reasons set forth in the first sentence of this paragraph, the Speaker undertakes to indemnify the Principal or the Organizer and take over the claim.
  10. The speaker is obliged to comply with the binding provisions of the Regulations.

Article 4 Payments

  1. The fees for participation in the Conference as a Participant are posted on the Conference Website.
  2. In order to participate in the Conference, the Participant is required to make payment at the time of filling the registration form. The participant can choose the forms of payment made available by the Organizer at the time. The available form of payment can be:
    1. payment by bank transfer to the Organizer's bank account at the time of filling the application form;
    2. online payment made by the Participant in electronic form using payment methods provided by a specialized payment institution.
  3. The online payment service provider is Krajowy Integrator Płatności Spółka Akcyjna.
  4. Available forms of payment by payment card:
    1. Visa
    2. Visa Electron
    3. Mastercard
    4. MasterCard Electronic
    5. Maestro
  5. The Organizer will issue an invoice for the payment made after the Participant expresses the desire to receive such an invoice when filling out the application form. The Participant agrees to send invoices electronically to the e-mail address provided in the application form.
  6. In case the Participant's participation in the Conference is impossible due to early exhaustion of the limit of places, the Organizer shall refund to the Participant the full amount paid for the price of participation in the Conference.
  7. The Organizer shall refund the payment using the same method of payment used by the Participant, unless the Participant has expressly agreed to a different method of refund that does not involve any costs for the Participant

Article 5 Withdrawal

A participant or speaker does not have the right to withdraw from a contract for participation in the Conference concluded remotely without providing a reason, within 14 days from the conclusion of the contract, due to Article 38(12) of the Law on Consumer Rights, according to which the right to withdraw from a contract concluded remotely does not apply to contracts for the provision of services related to entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service.

Article 6 Complaints

  1. A Participant or Speaker may file a complaint against the Organizer, in particular, if the Organizer's actions provided for in these Regulations are implemented improperly or not in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.
  2. Complaint can be submitted electronically to the Organizer's address or by registered letter to the Organizer's address. The complaint should include: name and surname or company name, e-mail address of the Participant or Speaker, description of the circumstances justifying the complaint, as well as the specific demand related to the complaint. If the data or information provided in the complaint needs to be supplemented, before considering the complaint, the Organizer shall request the Participant or Speaker to the e-mail address indicated by him/her in the complaint to supplement it in the indicated scope.
  3. The Organizer shall consider the case within 14 days from the date of receipt of a properly drafted complaint. The Participant or the Speaker will receive information on how the complaint will be considered by electronic correspondence, to the address provided by him/her in the complaint. If the complaint is rejected, the Organizer will notify the Participant or Speaker stating the reasons for this decision.
  4. The Organizer informs that there is a possibility to use an out-of-court procedure for handling complaints and pursuing claims before the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court at the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection. Information on how to access the aforementioned mode and dispute resolution procedures, can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at the following address: http://www.uokik.gov.pl/spory_konsumenckie.php.

Article 7 Personal data

  1. The administrator of personal data is the Organizer.
  2. The processing of personal data is governed by the Privacy Policy, attached as Appendix 2 to the Regulations.

Article 8 Organization of the Conference in stationary form

  1. During the Conference in the form of stationary, the Participant and the Speaker are obliged to comply with any order instructions of the Organizer.
  2. Participants and Speakers are required to comply with the provisions of the rules and regulations of the facility, in force on the premises where the Conference is held, including in particular safety rules, health and safety and fire regulations.
  3. If the Organizer determines that a Participant or a Speaker violates the provisions of the Regulations, the Organizer is entitled to deny the Participant the right to participate in the Conference and require the Participant to leave the Conference venue or the premises of the facility where the Conference is held.
  4. The Organizer is not responsible for the belongings of Participants or Speakers that may be lost or damaged during the Conference.
  5. Participants and Speakers shall bear full financial responsibility for any damage they cause to the premises where the Conference is held.

Article 9 Cancellation of the Conference

The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Conference, change its date or place of holding, for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, including, in particular, force majeure. By force majeure is meant, among others, sudden, unpredictable events caused by an external cause (flood, earthquake, strikes, acts of public authority, epidemic). Participants and Speakers will be notified of the changes by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the application for participation in the Conference and on the Conference Site. Participants or Speakers, within 7 (seven) days of receiving notification from the Organizer, may terminate the agreement regarding participation in the Conference immediately at the Organizer's e-mail address or by registered letter to the Organizer's address (payments made by the Participant will be refunded by the Organizer in full to the bank account from which the payment was made, within 14 days of receipt of the termination notice by the Organizer).

Article 10 Final Provisions

  1. In matters not regulated by the Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
  2. If some provisions of these Regulations are declared invalid in a decision of a court or other authorized body, the remaining provisions shall remain valid.
  3. If the Regulations are changed, the Organizer shall announce it on the Website. The Terms and Conditions shall become effective as of the date indicated in the amendment, but no sooner than 7 (seven) days from the date of its announcement by the Organizer.
  4. The Organizer will provide the Participants and Speakers with the amended Rules and Regulations by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by them at the time of application. Participants and Speakers will be notified of the amended Rules and Regulations and the possibility of accepting them within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the amended Rules and Regulations, whereby acceptance of the amendments shall also be deemed as failure to refuse to accept the Rules and Regulations within the time limit for acceptance. Refusal to accept the change of the Rules and Regulations is tantamount to termination by the Participant or Speaker of the agreement regarding participation in the Conference with immediate effect (the payments made by the Participant will be returned by the Organizer in full amount to the bank account from which the payment was made, within 14 days after receipt of the termination notice by the Organizer).
  5. The law applicable to contracts for participation in the Conference concluded with Participants or Speakers under the terms of these Regulations shall be the law of Poland. Any disputes that arise from the application of these Regulations shall be resolved by the competent Polish common courts.
  6. The Regulations include the following appendices, which are an integral part of the Regulations: Appendix No. 1 - Privacy Policy and Appendix No. 2 - Speaker's Consents regarding personal data.


  • Appendix 1 - Privacy Policy
  • Appendix 2 - Consents of the speaker
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