Ksenia Zvereva

Ksenia Zvereva
Developer Community Lead at Mollie
Ksenia Zvereva
Developer Community Lead at Mollie

Ksenia is the Developer Community Lead at Mollie, fostering engagement between the product engineering teams and the developer community. She’s dedicated to building strong networks of people who share a passion for technology. Ksenia has 10 years of experience in the tech industry, with topics such as data protection, cloud infrastructure, ecommerce, developer relations, and community initiatives.

Ksenia is an ambassador for Women in Tech, providing support to individuals entering the tech industry. Outside of her professional life, she loves to explore the restaurant scene in Amsterdam, do hot pilates, and study psychology.


7 ways to be an ally for Women in Tech
7 ways to be an ally for Women in Tech
  • 10:35 - 11:00
  • 25 min